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Sunday, August 09, 2015. Perturbation this morning - on behalf of someone else. I know what needs to be done but cannot make them do it. They suffer, and because I love them, I do too. Wednesday, August 05, 2015. Broadband internet has been maddeningly erratic for the past three weeks. We have registered our complaint on at least four occasions with innumerable follow-up calls. They came again today and tinkered with a variety of options. Tuesday, July 28, 2015.
Inhand Networks - M2M GPRS. Motorola Walkie - Talkie Analog. Inhand Networks - M2M GPRS. Our customers recognize the value of our Engineers. Our technical and customer support staff, Project En.
My space, my thoughts, my words, my life. Thursday, December 4, 2014.
A Letter to the Republican Party. In the aftermath of the 2008 Presidential Election, through which Senator Obama was elected President, there is some discussion surrounding whether the Republican Party must become increasingly liberal in its ideology and political platform, in order to maintain compatibility with the electorate, and thereby position itself to achieve victory in future national elections.
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